Left and right are referenced from the point of view of the tractor operator.
The back side of the belt rides on flat idlers; the inside vee rides in v-idlers.
Toro/Wheel Horse Belt 109428 is 76 inch long, 1/2 inch wide, A section.
Viewed from the right-hand side and below, the engine pulley is at #1, green, v-idler #1, white and flat idler #1, yellow.
Viewed from the left-hand side and below, the engine pulley is seen at left; the upper section of the belt twists one-quarter turn between the front flat idler and the transmission pulley; the lower section of the belt twists one-quarter turn between the front v-idler and the rear tensioning idlers (#2).
A closer view from the left-hand side and below, the engine pulley is seen at left (#3).
Viewed from directly below, the lower section of the belt rides under the v-idler, over the flat idler and onto the transmission pulley from below (#4). The tranny pulley is seen at left. The upper section comes off the top of the tranny pulley and runs directly to the front flat idler.
Viewed from below left, the lower section rides under the v-idler, over the flat idler and onto the bottom of the transmission pulley (#5). The flat backside of the belt rides on the flat idler. The upper section comes off the top of the tranny pulley and runs directly to the front flat idler.
Viewed from below left, the lower section rides under the v-idler, over the flat idler and onto the bottom of the transmission pulley (#6). The flat backside of the belt rides on the flat idler. The upper section comes off the top of the tranny pulley and runs directly to the front flat idler.
Diagram given on Toro illustrated parts list (#7). Engine pulley is seen at left; transmission pulley at right.