Briggs Carb Part Numbers 294311, 295607, 295609, 299201, 393753, 393895
used on selected Models 060301, 060302, 060306, 060311, 060311, 060312, 060313, 060316, 060331, 060332, 060336, 060351, 060352, 060353, 060356, 060392, 060396, 060401, 060402, 060403, 060406, 060411, 060412, 060416, 060431, 060432, 060433, 060436, 060451, 060452, 060453, 060456, 061301, 061302, 061303, 061306, 061311, 061312, 061316, 061331, 061332, 061336, 061352, 061353, 061392, 061396, 061401, 061403, 061406, 061411, 061412, 061413, 061416, 061431, 061436, 061452, 061456, 080301, 080302, 080306, 080312, 080313, 080313, 080331, 080332, 080336, 080351, 080352, 080353, 080356, 080392, 080396, 080401, 080402, 080431, 080432, 081301, 081302, 081312, 081316, 081331, 081332, 081336, 081351, 081352, 081353, 081356, 081392, 081396, 081401, 081402, 081431, 081432, 081452, 081453, 082331, 082352, 130412, 130432, 130732, 131431, 131432, 131436, 131437, 131451, 131452, 131492, 132412, 132431, 132432, 132432, 132436, 132437, 132452, 144401, 144402, 144411, 144431, 144432, 144451, 144452, 145401, 145401, 145402, 145431, 145432, 145451, 145452
The inlet needle seat and gasket can be unscrewed and replaced if necessary (#1).
The venturi is a separate piece and sits in the lower body (#2).
Note the small hole in the venturi and gasket (#3). It is part of the path for the air bleed to the emulsion tube.
The air bleed hole in the venturi leads to a passage, indicated by the blue square in #4, which connects to the emulsion tube. Another hole (green) supplies fuel from the bowl to the emulsion tube. The emulsion tube passes thruogh the hole indicated by yellow.
The main air bleed path continues from the venturi up into the upper body and out to the atmosphere as shown by the wire in (#5).
The bowl vent originates at the air intake end of the carb and continues up into the upper body (#6).
On older version of the Small Two-piece Flo-jet carb the bowl vent originated nearer the intake elbow (#7).
A ball plug seals one end of the hole where a passage was drilled to complete the bowl vent path (#8). Air finally reaches the bowl through holes in the bowl gasket.
The idle speed adjustment screw (throttle crack screw or throttle stop screw) determines how far the throttle is allowed to close thereby setting idle speed (#9). To remove the throttle shaft, drive or press out the roll pin as seen in the photo. The throttle plate is installed with the bumps on the same side as the throttle plate screw head.
This carb has replaceable throttle shaft bushings (#10). To remove, use a screw extractor or tap a thread into the bushing, thread in a screw and pull out the bushing.
There is a large welch plug at the intake elbow of the carb which must be removed to service the choke plate and shaft (#11).
Remove the welch plug by prying with a suitable tool from within the air horn (#12). When installing a new plug use sealant around the perimeter and stake or swage the casting over the plug in a number of places.
To remove the choke plate from the choke shaft, pry up the top half of the shaft with thin-edged tool and pull out the plate (#13).
The choke parts laid out in order (#14).
Check the flatness of the upper body and straighten the corners as necessary (#15).
Go back to Small Two-Piece Flo-jet Carburetor, Part 1.