Belts Size Cross Reference by Manufacturer and Part Number

Find sizes, lengths, widths of V-belts used on Outdoor Power Equipment or Lawn and Garden Equipment: lawn mowers, lawn tractors, garden tractors, snow blowers, leaf blowers, lawn sweepers, generators, chainsaws, line trimmers, cut saws, concrete saws, lawn vacs, tillers, power washers, wood chippers and shredders, log splitters, etc. More than 46,700 belts listed for hundreds of brands / manufacturers.


BRUTE BELTS SIZES - Length and Width

Please, scroll down for results. Belt sizes ( length and width in inches ) for outdoor power equipment
manufactured or sold by BRUTE
Li = Inside Length; Lp = Pitch Length; Le = Effective Length; Sec = Cross-section; Wp = Pitch Width; Desc = Description; R/B = Number of Ribs or Bands; A = Angle; Th = Thickness; † = Cross-section; ‡ = Thickness
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-Part NoLWDescNotesSecThWpR/BALiLpLe
17100883YP33 <br>0.38 <br>E.L 32.863L
27100883330.38E.L 32.863L
377402047.10.5Wrapped, aramid
4774020MA47.10.5Wrapped, aramid
537X138410.38Wrapped, aramid
637X138MA410.38Wrapped, aramid